Vote for me!

I wouldn’t make a great politician – all the campaigning just isn’t my thing. Writing about it as a reporter, sure. Doing it myself, well, not so much. But next weekend, I’ll be putting my campaigning hat for my run as at-large director with the Society of Professional Journalists.

As we converge on Las Vegas next week for the national SPJ conference and journalism convention, SPJ chapter delegates will select a new slate of board members.

After serving on the board for six years as a regional director, I took a break to have a baby and just to let someone else have a turn (I have a feeling the folks in my region might have let me stay indefinitely!). This year I decided I was ready to return to board service, but in a different role. So, I’m running for the at-large director’s seat against two other very capable SPJ members.

Why head back to the board table? It’s simple: I really love this organization. I’ve been a member for 15 years and honestly can’t imagine not being a member. It’s a piece of who I am. Just as journalism is a piece of me, so is SPJ.

I’ll save the rest of the story for my campaign speech, but wish me luck! Here’s a preview of my campaign stickers:

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