Someday is here: This is 40

In my early 20s, I loved this clip from the classic film “When Harry Met Sally.” It was exactly how I felt about turning 40. Sure, it would happen … someday. A very far, far away “someday.”


Well, my friends, “someday” did indeed arrive. I am actually 40. I’ll admit, starting in January, I was thinking, “This is the year I turn 40″ and maybe I was starting to freak out a little bit. Big birthdays have a tendency to make us reflective, don’t they? We ponder what we’ve done and where we’re headed. We feel a sense of urgency, asking ourselves, “How much more can I squeeze out of my life?”


I’ve done a lot with my first 40 years. I have two college degrees (never mind I’m still paying for those darn things). I have pursued my dream of working as a journalist and have had the privilege to work with incredibly talented reporters and editors. Now, I run my own business combining my love of writing and working with nonprofits and business on their PR and marketing.


For more than 15 years, I’ve been married to the most amazing husband and we have a fabulous daughter and three sweet dogs. My life is filled with incredible friends and a supportive family. I live out my days following Jesus and doing the best job I can as a wife, mother and business owner. Thanks finding CrossFit almost six years ago, I’m in the best physical shape of my life. I have all the comforts of a nice home in a beautiful city.


I’m one lucky 40 year old! And those are just a handful of the highlights.


And yet I know there’s more on my bucket list – places to visit and experiences awaiting me. I have more to contribute to this world and, I hope, several more decades to make it all happen.


So, here’s to “someday” and turning 40 – a time to take stock of my amazing life and to know that the best is yet to come!

One Reply to “Someday is here: This is 40”

  1. Love this! You wear “40” well Holly!! I’m blessed with your friendship (thru Crossfit) and wish you everything in your bucket list to come true!! Love you girlfriend….

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