Real Estate Trials, Part I

It’s tough selling your house while still living in it. Each morning, I must do the following things:

* Make the bed
* Stuff dog beds under bed
* Wipe off bathroom sink
* Put basket of lotions and soaps under sink so counter space looks ample
* Make sure nothing is on the kitchen counter
* Make sure the living room is tidy and couch and chair cushions are fluffed
* Make sure dog hair tumbleweeds aren’t rolling across the bathroom or kitchen floors
* Make sure blinds are open so rooms look sunny, bright and spacious
* Sweep screened-in back porch and make sure glass top patio table doesn’t look too dirty

The process is exhausting. I try to take care of most of these tasks in the evening, but still ….

I feel like putting a sign on the door: “Dear potential buyer: I’m doing the best I can to make this a fabulous show home, but let’s face it, two people and two dogs live here!”

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