May 3

Here we are again, old friend. We’ve been meeting up for 34 years now. Isn’t it hard to believe? Doesn’t it seem we’ve been doing this for only 25 years or so? I swear, every year your visit comes faster. Sometimes, I welcome it as a time to celebrate, reflect and look ahead. Some years, I review my accomplishments, my friends, my family, my life and feel blessed. Other years, I spend two weeks dreading your arrival, like a house guest whose visit is awkward and embarrassing. I worry I didn’t get enough done since our last visit and vow to check off more to-dos before you come again.

This year, my feelings are mixed. I couldn’t keep you from coming, so I accept your visit and hope it’s a pleasant one. I don’t roll out the red carpet, but I don’t barricade the front door either. I simply welcome you with a cordial smile, a familiarity and a hope we’ll sit together for a few brief hours on this date for many years to come.

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