Good-bye, Humidity

How I have changed my tune about cold weather!

I spent the first 22 years of my life in Southeast Ohio. It seemed winter started in October and lasted until June. The days were gray, rainy and bleak. Ice scrapers and insulated underwear were staples in everyone’s home. I hated it.

After college I escaped to Texas and I haven’t lived in the North since. I was thrilled to be rid of snow, ice and sleet. I remember my first Thanksgiving in Texas — I didn’t even need a coat! I called my family to rub it in.

But after five summers in Charleston, I have started to long for cool weather. Here, the days start to heat up in April and by late June, you can’t go outdoors. The humidity is so unbearable; you can’t catch your breath for three months.

By September, I’m begging for cold weather. I relish the thought of the first freeze, which will kill off the mosquitoes. I can’t wait to pull out sweaters and gloves.

The winters here are mild compared to Ohio. And really we only have truly cold weather for three or four months. But I’m determined to soak it up so I can think about those cools days when I’m melting in the August heat.

I swore I would never live in a cold climate again, but one more summer in the South just might have me packing my bags for Montana.

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