Surviving and then thriving

In the last month, I’ve finally started to think I might actually make it. Getting laid off last fall was a devastating blow. At the time, I had plenty of friends – many of whom had been laid off themselves at some point – tell me they were certain things would work out for the better.

The logical part of my brain knew they were right. God would provide. I would find more work. I would survive. The emotional part of my brain just couldn’t comprehend such a concept. I was sure I’d hit a professional rock bottom with no hope of a lifeline.

My decision to pursue work as a self-employed freelancer seemed the only choice at the time, although a part of me wondered if I were dooming my family to a financial mess. But the work came in – a job here, a job there … then steady contract work and some more assignments.

And now I find myself busy, busy, busy. This summer, I’m planning to form my own official company and I just might make more money this year working for myself than I did last year working for someone else. And the good news is I won’t lay me off because of the economy and I will appreciate all my hard work and effort.

I’m grateful to the people who have given me work, referrals, recommendations and encouragement over the last several months. Thank you for having faith in me when I was having a hard time having faith in myself.

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