My name is Holly and I’m addicted to office supplies.
I’m not really sure how my addiction started, but I think I may have been born with it. As a child, I was thrilled to go shopping for school supplies every August — fresh reams of paper, new Crayons, an untarnished pencil box and perfectly sharpened pencils with unused erasers. This joy lasted all the way into college, where I had given myself permission to buy new school supplies at the start of each quarter.
Apparently I haven’t outgrown this obsession. In fact, it may be slightly worse because, unlike a 10-year-old, I have disposable income (sort of) that I can spend (more like waste) on new pens, office organizers and a dizzying array of legal pads and folders.
My workplace happens to be located next to Staples, so occasionally when I need a breath of fresh air and 10 minutes out of the office, I’ll walk to Staples where I gaze lovingly at pens and day planners (even though I’ve used an electronic organizer for years).
Today, I needed just such a break and a green ink pen for editing (everyone uses red, so I like to mix it up with other colors). After making a careful pen selection, I made my way to the next aisle and was giddy to find a well stocked clearance rack. I purchased four 13-pocket accordion files because they were 50 cents — marked down from $7.99. Whether I needed four 13-pocket accordion files is beside the point. I mean, come on, they were 50 cents!
I also purchased a folio filer complete with five removable folders, room for a legal pad and two pockets for pens. Again, on sale for 50 cents, marked down from $11.99. What true office supply addict could resist?
I did refrain from a stroll down the desk organizers aisle. I can find those accessories for less at places like Target — I may be an addict but I’m a thrifty one.
I find a new pen or fresh packet of colorful Post-it Notes is just the thing to brighten my day. It’s amazing what some new note cards or a whimsical notepad can do for my attitude. I like to think it’s a pretty harmless obsession.
Of course, the “high” can wear off quickly and I usually have to move on to something else. Did I mention I also have a thing for shoes and bags?
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