My Life

American Express has been running a series of ads in magazines in which famous people answer some personal questions. It goes along with the company’s slogan “My life. My card.”

American Express wants to let consumers know it has a card for everyone’s life. I dare say the only credit card that would fit my life would be one that didn’t require me to pay back what I’d spent on credit.

But I found the ads clever and admit I paused to read the responses from people like Ellen DeGeneres and Kate Winslet.

So, I decided to answer the same questions here:

My name: Holly

Childhood ambition: fashion designer, beautician, mother of six children, being Miss America

Fondest memory: That’s tough. I can think of many but one that tops the list is seeing my husband get a little tear in his eye on our wedding day.

Soundtrack: Just about anything country or the peacefulness of the woods.

Retreat: Camping with my husband and dogs or my backporch in the springtime.

Wildest dream: Winning a Pulitzer Prize

Proudest moment: Graduating with my master’s degree

Biggest challenge: Cramming everything I want to do into one day; spending quality time with my God, myself, my family and friends

Alarm clock: is evil

Perfect day: Knowing there is absolutely nothing I HAVE to do

First job: Napoli’s Pizza

Indulgence: Shoes, purses

Last purchase: Shoes, iPod armband, Bible

Favorite movie: Dead Poet’s Society, Notting Hill, When Harry Met Sally

Inspiration: the people who love me

My life: is chaotic, loving, insane, blessed

My card: is Visa (probably not the response American Express was going for)

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